experts united

Dr. Markus Klingenberg

Markus Klingenberg, MD, is a specialist in orthopedics/trauma surgery, sports medicine, manual medicine and emergency medicine. He is a senior physician for orthopedics and sports medicine at the Beta Klinik in Bonn.
Operatively, he specializes in mini-invasive operations on the shoulder, elbow, hand, knee and ankle. In the field of sports medicine, his focus is on the areas of motion analysis, performance diagnostics and functional training for injury prevention and in rehabilitation.

Qualifications as a trainer:

  • Personal Trainer
  • Fitness Trainer A
  • Instructor for HOT IRON®, HOT IRON® CROSS, Spinning, Body & Mind
  • 1st Dan and instructor for 5 martial arts
Dr. Markus Klingenberg
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