experts united

KORCE® - The perfect training for posture & elegance!

Training with KORCE® releases your flexibility potential and functionally strengthens your core. The unique movement combinations also promote your movement coordination and fine motor skills.

The unmistakable combination of mobility flows and core moves creates a workout with almost magical effects on posture, movement and self-confidence.

This program frees the joints, straightens the spine and improves the motion control. The result is a royal upright posture in combination with elegant, fluid movements.

The positive effects of a more upright posture on our self-confidence and the perception by our environmenthave been proven many times. Likewise, well-coordinated movements not only make our lives easier, but also appear elegant and attractive to those around us.

KORCE® doesn't just rely on the usual muscle toning and body fat reduction effects of a good workout, but influences appearance in a much more profound way.

The entire KORCE® training program herewith aims to profoundly change the appearance and self-image of each participant.

The result is an improved quality of life, enhanced performance and confident attractiveness.

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