experts united


New YONGA® release is online!

21. May 2024

The new release is online! From June we start into the summer.

What actually happens to us in summer and what does this season stand for?

In summer, we feel a sense of activity, joie de vivre and energy and are full of zest for action. It is the period of youth, which is associated with the element of fire. Fire not only stands for the heat of summer, but also for inner fire.

If we are not in balance, the "heat" literally goes over our heads. We often find it difficult to regain our balance and deal with the stimulating energy of fire.

In summer, the focus is on the heart and small intestine meridians, in late summer on the stomach and spleen.

Our state changes with nature here too. The late summer phase is dedicated to ripening and harvesting. Accordingly, the element of earth prevails here and the period of midlife now begins.

If we are not in balance during this phase, it manifests itself in insecurity and lack of stability.

In the new YONGA® Release, we focus precisely on this period. Gentle music, flowing and powerful movements calm the body and mind. The activation of the respective meridians has a positive effect and gives you more balance and harmony in everyday life.

Click here for more information about YONGA® EXPERTS WORLD.


There is some support for the start of the new release under your customer account:

Marketing templates are now available to you. Simply download and use them, e.g. to draw attention to your courses or to draw attention to new courses and the start of the new release. There are even templates with a free area where you can insert a studio logo or your name.

We wish you lots of fun with the new release and a summer full of joy!

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